

Meet the early

See how data and business leaders are
leveraging GenAI to get ahead


67% of leaders report using
GenAI for data and analytics

Don’t get left behind. Drill into the survey data and real-world accounts to uncover the technology, process, and cultural requirements for a successful GenAI implementation.

projected by nearly half of the
surveyed early adopters
view GenAI as a competitive
of early adopters rely on
in-house GenAI tools


Surveying the state of GenAI in
data and analytics

Insights from 1k data and business leaders


Responses from major economic markets


Insights measured across company size


Surveyed leaders from a number of top industries

Download the report

Insider insights

Marc Labelle

We used advanced AI techniques to learn which plants are performing the best. Then, we determined what actions the other plants need to take to bring themselves up to that level. This is not something you can do with a traditional business intelligence platform.

Anil Kuma

We have several calculations for ROI. In some cases, it will be based on productivity gains, or operational savings. In other cases, it will be from incremental revenue. Other times, it may be from a new product idea.

Beena Ammanath

Generative AI is going to be in every nook and corner of your business, so it's important for everyone to understand the basics and speak the same language.

Tom Davenport

Data integration, data preparation, and data management are the most important factors for being successful with generative AI. Organizations should work on getting their data in order before getting started.

Additional resources


Leveraging GenAI for data and analytics

Turn this report into action—5 essential steps for successful GenAI use case development and implementation

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How GenAI early adopters gain a competitive advantage in analytics

Read Cindi Howson's latest blog and learn how to cement your competitive advantage by leveraging benchmarks from this report.

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Dashboards are Dead

Dashboards weren’t designed to support the speed, scale, and granularity of modern business. See why GenAI was the final nail in the coffin.

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40% of early adopters use GenAI
to surface data insights

See how AI-Powered Analytics can help you discover
insights and patterns in your data.