

Relational Search:
A New Paradigm for Data Analytics

Go under-the-hood of the world’s first relational search engine

Despite billions spent on BI, data still remains inaccessible for the vast majority of business users who are clamoring to make faster data-driven decisions. In our personal lives, search has transformed the way we access information. Enter: Relational Search, a new breed of search engine for data analytics, that combines the ease of use of consumer search with the speed at scale of an enterprise data platform.

In this whitepaper, we will walk through the technology that powers ThoughtSpot’s Relational Search Engine and cover how our unique architecture allows anyone to build their own reports and dashboards in seconds.

Download to learn:

  • How third wave analytics platforms are changing the paradigm for BI & analytics 
  • What is relational search and how it's different from other search technologies
  • Key architectural components of a relational search engine