For finance leaders, it feels like the world has been flipped upside down. Learn how companies are mastering working capital management amid volatility to mitigate risk, improve cash positions and make decisions real time across your breadth of customers and suppliers.
In this webinar you will learn:
- How COVID-19 is impacting finance leaders decision making
- Strategies that top companies are implementing to improve cash positions
- Case studies for accounts receivable, inventory management and procurement

Jeff Noto
Senior Vice President - Business Analytics

Mohit Daswani
Chief Financial Officer

Sofie Garden
Manager, Solutions Engineering
Join us for a live demo of:
Working Capital Management Solution
Elevated near-term risk and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is driving lower levels of both consumer spending and business investment. Many companies now face an unknown period of structurally lower demand driving top line declines and are currently working to understand the flexibility in both their cost and capital structure. Managing cash is being pushed to the forefront. Critical to these efforts will be immediately assessing working capital trends and determining where there may be opportunity to extend liabilities, shorten current asset lives, and optimize inventory levels.