AI-Powered Analytics for the Google Cloud Ecosystem

Generative AI on your Google hosted data:
Take self-service analytics beyond the dashboard

Natural Language Search on BigQuery

Self-service analytics powered by LLMs with live-query for BigQuery

Looker Modeler Integration

Directly query trusted metrics modeled with LookML

AI-Powered Data Apps on BigQuery

Embed AI-powered search and live analytics in your data apps

ThoughtSpot Cloud on Google Cloud Platform

Deploy SaaS solution quickly and purchase on Google Cloud Marketplace

ThoughtSpot for Google Workspace

Native plugins for Connected Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Sheets analytics

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freetrialprivileges,Demo Retail Group

The natural language search experience with ThoughtSpot is insane. I feel like I’m looking into the future, and it’s exactly what we’ve been trying to execute on for our users.

Finance Director, Fortune 100 Bank

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